追问Newsletter第2期 | 动物研究能在多大程度上帮助我们理解人脑?
在不久前结束的TCCI NeuroChat(神聊)全球华人青年科学家认知科学会议中,天桥脑科学研究院(TCCI)联合Neurochat主办方发起“追问”活动,向此次会议演讲者征集了最受大家关注的神经科学问题。我们已经邀请资深科学家教授回答这些问题,并将在后续发表这些问答并组织更多相关活动,敬请期待。
罗艺博士的问题“What do you think are the biggest breakthroughs in social neuroscience in the recent 10 years? And what are you most excited to see develop in the future?”目前已经得到加州理工学院Ralph Adolphs教授的回答,点击此处查看详情。
而青年科学家提出的有关神经科学研究方法的问题,我们也收到了纽约大学György Buzsáki教授的回答,以下为具体内容。
György Buzsáki
Buzsáki教授是一位系统神经科学家,是被引率最高的神经科学家之一,他的研究主要关注大脑振荡、睡眠、记忆和相关疾病等领域,以其两阶段记忆巩固模型,发现支持认知、神经句法和脑节律的神经细胞集合,以及他在神经科学领域的创新技术而闻名。2019年出版著作《大脑由内向外》(The Brain from Inside Out)。
To what extent would animal research help to understand the human brain?
Give me a yardstick that has units of "understanding" and I can give you an answer. A lot, greatly, tremendously, etc are not quantitative terms with the same meaning to everyone. Scientific discourse always starts with quantitative measurements, which requires instruments or means with units. Time became time with the clocks, space became distance with the rod, intelligence became intelligence with the introduction of IQ units.
Apart from these comments, I can ask what else is there for us to understand the human brain than animal research? Research on animals is important for at least two different reasons. First, understanding neuronal circuits or cognition requires methods that allow single neuron, single spike resolution. The reason is that the neurons communicate with spikes. Every other indirect measure needs to be converted to spikes or estimation of the relationship to spikes. Such research is ethically not feasible in humans (save a few patients who have electrodes for their own benefits). Second, and perhaps more importantly, understanding how certain functions and solutions developed is often a key to understanding. Examining a mechanism in its simplest and purest form can provide more insight than searching for the same principles in more complex brains. For example, corollary discharge is an extraordinary invention of brain evolution that allows for distinguishing neuronal activity arising from the impact of the external world or from self-organized activity, such as the sound you make or made by others. This mechanism can be studied in its pure form e.g., in a cricket but the same principle is present in more complex operations such as distinguishing the self from non-self or in disease, such as schizophrenia.
How far are we from bridging the gap between microscopic, circuit-level neuroscience and human neuroscience studying complex cognitive processes such as knowledge and language?
Again, my problem is with the units of measurement (or the lack of it). Progress in science is not smooth or predictable. Thus, predicting milestones of discovery is a job left for politicians and visionaries (or fortunate tellers who are in the same category).
Understanding single cell functions without circuit operations or vice versa is difficult. Good research at any level should always have a link to the level below and the level above. Take language as an example. Language has phonemic, information packaging and semantic aspects. Brain rhythms are crucial for the information packaging aspect. Yet, all network oscillations that are needed to produce speech are present in all mammals in the same shape and form. Thus, a key ingredient of language is based on an already available mechanism that serves many other functions. The brain mechanisms of semantic knowledge and syntax are surely more complicated but they also produced by the same kind of fundamental circuit mechanisms as writing this text or just moving my arm.
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